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Idi Amin Movie Opens LFF


Kevin Macdonald's Last King of Scotland


The Last King of ScotlandThe feature debut of Oscar-winning documentary director Kevin Macdonald, The Last King of Scotland, starring Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin, will open the London Film Festival on October 18th.

The film, billed as a European premiere, tells the story of a Scottish doctor who winds up as chief physician to the Ugandan tyrant Idi Amin. The cast also includes James McAvoy and Gillian Anderson. The film was shot in Uganda and the U.K. and is due to be released in the UK in January by Fox Searchlight Pictures.

Macdonald gained an Academy Award for his Munich Olympics documentary One Day In September.  His other credits include the mountaineering saga Touching The Void and the Mick Jagger portrait Being Mick.