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Who's Going To Take The Celtic Title, Then?

james macgregorNo, its got nothing to do with football championships, but everything to do with winning recognition for some breathtaking screen work. Doctor Who might be from another planet, but he seems to have landed on his feet in Wales and dominated the TV ratings. The programme is now in contention for a Celtic Film Festival award, this year held in Falmouth, Cornwall from 29th March to 31st.

Doctor Who continues its success story by being shortlisted for Best Drama award in this year's Celtic Film and TV Festival.

The BBC Wales-produced show is among 26 nominations for Wales in this year's festival, which commemorates the best in broadcasting in the Celtic regions.

This year's festival takes place in Falmouth, Cornwall, from March 29 to 31.

Some of the other successful Welsh productions nominated include the critically acclaimed BBC series Tribe and the Bafta-nominated Welsh feature film A Way of Life, winner of the UK Film Talent award at last year's London Film Festival. (For Amma Asante interview, see PEOPLE>INTERVIEWS>A Way Of Life.)

"With standards as high as ever, whittling down 400 entries to a shortlist has been no mean feat," said festival chief executive Frances Hendron. The quality of the festival programme and the prestige of winning an award mean The Celtic Film and Television Festival continues to be recognised by the international TV community as an important and exciting date in the creative awards calendar."

Awards are given out in screen, radio and new media categories. A total of 95 nominations for the awards will be considered, with around 50 independent production companies being recognised in 17 categories.

Two nominations went to Brittany, 10 to Cornwall, 27 to Scotland and 26 to Wales, with most going to Ireland, which scooped 30 nominations.

In addition to the 17 "best of" category awards, there are three special awards: The Spirit of the Festival Gold Torc (presented to a film or television programme wholly or substantially in a Celtic language); The Frank Copplestone First Time Director Award (presented for either a TV programme or film, a cash prize is also presented with this award) and The Jury Award (made at the discretion of the international jury for production, direction, technical or craft excellence).