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Asian Gangster Film Puts Coventry on the Crime Film Map

Looking for Finance, Producer Jagdip Dosanjh



Local producer Leofric Films plc is making a feature film set in Coventry. The film,
called Bootleggers, will be made this year and the film company is
looking for investors to get on board.


Bootleggers - First UK Asian Gangster Film












The film is being produced by local businessman and property developer, Jagdip Dosanjh, who is determined to make a film about and for British Asians, an audience who - despite the occasional East is East - have mostly been starved of cinema films about themselves.

The film is about two young Asians who start a bootlegging business and swear they will never be real criminals - but when a rival threatens them and a ganglord demands too much, they turn against each other and everyone else to become the only thing that lets them
survive: gangsters.

Jagdip has put in £100,000 of his own money to get the film made, but is eager to double or triple that amount through private investment - with a budget of that size, the production will be able to shoot on the same High Definition cameras used in Star Wars. Investors will qualify for tax relief, be able to appear in the film as extras and will also get an invite to the glitzy premiere.

Jagdip said: "There are never enough films made about British Asians - we're aiming to make a film that's entertaining and popular, and we're definitely intending to make money, which is something that too many independent films forget about!

"It's a great opportunity for investors to get involved with the film industry - appearing in the film as an extra could be a wonderful gift for a loved one"