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Final Call for UK Film Council Short Film Completion Fund 2006/7


mayavisionThe UK Film Council's New Cinema Fund (NCF) is now inviting individual filmmakers and production companies to apply to the 2006/07 Completion Fund. The fund is part of the New Cinemas Fund's programme to enable directors and producers to push their creative boundaries, develop new talent and to invest in short films that illustrate unique ideas and an innovative approach.

This is a £50,000 fund to support short films that have already been shot but lack the funds to finish. You can now apply to this fund and the closing date for entries will be Friday 17 November 2006.


Maya Vision International is the managing company responsible for short-listing and selecting the films in consultation with the NCF and will oversee all aspects of the completion process to contractual and physical delivery. Maya Vision International has produced a diverse range of dramas, documentaries, short films and feature films since it was formed in 1983, and has always been committed to supporting and nurturing emerging filmmakers across a variety of genres.  


You can apply for funding from the Completion Fund if:

    •     you are an individual aged 18 years and over and a national or resident of the UK or you are a company registered and centrally managed in the UK; and

    •     you have made a short film which requires completion funding and which:

•    will have a final running time of less than 12 minutes (exceptionally 'short' films of longer duration
may be considered); and

1.    has been edited to a rough-cut or beyond and is available for viewing on DVD (or VHS); and
2.    has main elements (e.g. producer, writer, director, location, story) which are substantially British in nature; and
3.    when completed will be capable of being fully cleared for cinema, television, internet and festival exhibition throughout the world.

The Completion Fund is for genuine completion of a short film. It is not a 'print' fund and applications to transfer a finished film from one format to another format for the purposes of exhibition are not eligible for funding and will not be assessed.

For full details, guidelines and application forms please go to 
or the UK Film Council’s website,

A reminder again – the final date for MAYA to receive entries is:
Friday 17 November 2006

Maya Vision International Ltd.
6 Kinghorn Street, London EC1A 7HW
Tel: 020 7796 4842
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