iceni, a Midlands business video production and broadcast design agency, is celebrating after scooping two awards at the prestigious US International Film and Video Festival in Hollywood. This takes the company’s worldwide award haul to fifteen in 2006 and 2007.
The Staffordshire based production company received Certificates of Creative Excellence in the Advertising / Marketing category for promotional work for Teka and the Environmental Issues and Concerns category for a creative energy saving drama produced for Birmingham City Council. The awards from Hollywood join trophies from the New York Film and Video Festival and the CiB*, a coveted IVCA** award, and an Every Child Matters and Creative Curriculum award from the government’s Creative Partnerships programme.
The Midlands
company is also celebrating new commissions from the Royal Bank of
Scotland, Manchester Metropolitan University, Everest, First Group and
Wolverhampton City Council. Cathy
Bentley, Director of iceni said, “Our company’s focus on quality,
creativity and effectiveness has made iceni a leader in the UK visual communications industry, growing year on year since the company was formed in 2001. “The
two new awards, from one of the leading business communications
festivals, demonstrate the standard of our work on a world stage. It
makes companies that have traditionally worked exclusively with London agencies look outside the M25 and see the talent available.” Ends. * Communicators in Business**International Visual Communications Association
Read more at – UK Corporate Video Production and DVD Design Prepared by Andi Jepson
@ iceni® - for more information and high resolution images and video
clips call the studio on +44 (0)1283 792 990, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Background
iceni® is an established Midlands visual communications company delivering film, video and broadcast design projects to an impressive list of public and private sector clients including the Ministry of Defence, First Group, Welcome Break, Teka, Kleeneze, the Learning and Skills Council, and the Disability Rights Commission.