So as I said to Kenneth Branagh at the time, "Bugger off Ken". Hmm, this menu rather reminds me of central New York. Desolate and covered in dust. I'll have the steak and Kidney pud and bring it alligator style. That means snappy, you idiot. Whilst the attack on the World Trade Centre is awful I do think that in some ways were in danger of boiling over to hysteria. Take for, example, the way that studios are currently scouring unreleased New York-set films for any trace of the twin towers so that they can be removed. Why? To avoid "upsetting" people. Now correct me if Im wrong but how exactly does the mere existence of them in a film upset people? If they were shown being blown up then fine. If they were shown to be the subject of a terrorist attack then no problem. But to try and pretend that they never existed is wrong. What if the hijackers had missed the World Trade Centre and decided to take out the Statute of Liberty instead. Does that mean that Planet of the Apes, Ghostbusters II or X-Men should have the statue digitally removed? Perhaps Charlton Heston could come across a MacDonalds franchise half buried in the sand? Maybe people should let their emotions cool a little bit before they start making rash decisions about things. Jackie Chan says that he was due to be filming on the North Tower of the World Trade Centre on the day of the attack but a tardy scriptwriter meant that the shoot was abandoned. Scriptwriters really are bastards arent they? I mean I cant count the number of times a script has come in late and they always have the most pathetic excuses, "My dog ate it", "I left it on the bus". Theyre worse then school children. My reply when they come begging for their money is always, "Oh sorry. The cheque fell in the fishpond. Sorry." Besides which surely to a man who has broken every bone in his body several times over having a building collapse around your ears is an every day occurrence?" (BTW - I have since rehired May Wi out of pure generosity, among other things
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