7 articles
Graphic designers reinvent classic film posters at upcoming exhibition
"Now Showing" — The Lost "Art" of the Film Poster.
Over 40 world-renowned creatives were given the task of creating their own interpretation of a Cult, Classic or Obscure film poster from the past. The result is "Now Showing", an art exhibition paying homage to more than 70 years of film, through the form of Prints, One Off Screen Prints and Sculptures.
Channel 4 brings its logo to life to launch Big Art in 2008
A 48 foot-high steel ‘4’ is being constructed on the steps of the channel’s headquarters in Horseferry Road, London. The Big 4 will be unveiled by the Arts Minister Margaret Hodge at the official unveiling on Tuesday - 16th October at 11:15am.
The towering installation, designed by Freestate, in conjunction with award-winning engineers, Atelier One, will mirror the…
May Miles Thomas sets out to unlock Glasgow's Da Vinci Code
Pioneering filmmaker May Miles Thomas - long tracked on Netribution - whose microubudget One Life Stand was one of the first digital films has been awarded the Scottish Arts Council's Creative Scotland Award.
The £30,000 award, established to reward the achievements of Scotland's creative talent, will help May to realise The Devil's Plantation, an ambitious mu…
Swedish art exploring 'aesthetics of ephemerality' distributed only on P2P networks
Anders Weberg has created a 73 minute experimental video, made for -
and only available on - peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing networks. The
work was offered by the artist until one other user downloaded it, on
15th Sepetember, after which point he deleted the original file and all
the materials used to create it. "There's no original" said the artist,
pointing to the fa…
Hard-core Sex Film to Premiere as Art at Tate Modern
Tate Modern is to hold the British premiere of one of the year's most explicit films -a hard-core sex anthology billed as art - because the gallery is exempt from classification rules governing cinemas. Destricted, an Anglo-American production, is a two-hour compilation of seven short films made by artists and independent film-makers who were commissioned to "explore the fine…
Auld Alliance - where to draw the line
A Scottish exhibition of cartoons will kick off on April 7th with a day looking at the the work of French and Scottish cartoonists, including Netribution's 'artist in residence', Eric Dubois.
Dubois has been working on illustrating Carnal Cinema's back catologue of interviews for a planned anthology, and will be talking about his methodology and previewing new Carnal caricatures at the even…