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Auld Alliance - where to draw the line


George Mucas

A Scottish exhibition of cartoons will kick off on April 7th with a day looking at the the work of French and Scottish cartoonists, including Netribution's 'artist in residence', Eric Dubois.

Dubois has been working on illustrating Carnal Cinema's back catologue of interviews for a planned anthology, and will be talking about his methodology and previewing new Carnal caricatures at the event organised by the Alliance Française de Glasgow and the Goethe-Institut Glasgow. The event will also feature Jane Weston  of the University of Bristol and  Zach Trenholm, caricaturist for the San Francisco Chronicle.



Where to Draw the Line: Caricatures in the Auld Alliance and Beyond

Fizzers is in partnership with the Scottish National Portrait Gallery,
Scottish Cartoon Art Studio, the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art.

Part of a Series of Events organised by the Alliance française de Glasgow and the Goethe-Institut Glasgow



Reception at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery (1 Queen St, Edinburgh) in honour of the opening of the Fizzers exhibition. Please note that pre-enrolment is required for this event.  As places are strictly limited please accept our apologies in advance if all requests cannot be met.


Paul VerhovintEvents will take place at the premises of the Goethe-Institut and the Alliance française de Glasgow, 3 Park Circus, Glasgow G3 6AX

The Alliance française will also be hosting a Scottish Cartoon Art Studio exhibition of caricature artwork on the theme of the Auld Alliance

Welcome from the Conference Organisers
including Dr Laurence Grove, Senior Lecturer in French, University of Glasgow

Caricature in History

William Kidd (University of Stirling)
'British Caricature and French Tradition: Classical Sources and Contemporary Discourses'

Eric Dubois (caricaturist, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan & Netribution 'artist in residence') will present his work

Coffee Break

Reverand Tork10.45-11.45
Thierry Smolderen (l'EESATI, Ecole Supérieure de l'Image, Angoulême)
"From Wilhelm Busch to Richard F. Outcault, how caricature discovered the power of "cute"
n.b. This paper will be in French, accompanied by an English text version.

Buffet Luncheon at the City Chambers courtesy of the Lord Provost and the City of Glasgow

Guided Tour of the Glasgow School of Art

European Caricature Today

Roger Sabin (University of the Arts, London)
'Post-War Censorship of European Comics and Caricature'

Coffee Break

Jane Weston (University of Bristol)
'CharlieHebdo and the Modern Caricature'

Roberto Benito17.15-17.45
Zach Trenholm (caricaturist for the San Francisco Chronicle) will present work on behalf of the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio

Closing Remarks and Vin d'Honneur
courtesy of the Alliance française de Glasgow and the Goethe-Institut Glasgow.

The conference is free and open to all but pre-enrolment is requested and
places are limited.

In order to pre-enroll please send your name, occupation and contact details to:
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Please indicate if you would like to attend the Fizzers reception on April 7.  As places are strictly limited please accept our advance apologies if your request cannot be met.

For further information or questions please contact:
Dr Laurence Grove
Senior Lecturer in French
16 University Gardens
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QL
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0141 330 4583    Fax: 0141 330 4234

by Nic Wistreich

Published 29 March 2006