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Environment & sustainability

13 articles

Music Video Briefs With Budgets - RadarMusicVideos comes out of development

from RadarMusicVideo's CEO Caroline Bottomley  RadarMusicVideos is a fast growing network which introduces directors worldwide to music video commissioners and promoters. The site has just come out of development, with a new look and already over 4,000 members worldwide. Major labels, independent labels and management companies use the site to post briefs and scout for directors. Recent commiss…

Food Inc

One of DogWoof's two Oscar nominated documentaries (the other - Burma VJ) goes on release this week following a Stella McCartney-hosted cleb-packed premiere tonight..  

Water Colours wins top Awards again..

From Anita Chaumette from the film Water Colours: The North Sea Film Festival Amsterdam highest recognition & award goes to "Water Colours: A Touch of Fluorescence", with FIRST PRIZE, BEST FILM in the Professional Category! Once again, the stunning imagery of the secret communication channels of fish has brought the limelight to fluorescence pioneers ‘Liquid Motion Film'. With the invaluab…

The enviornment is the protagonist in Europe's biggest environmental film festival, Ecovision

From the Ecovision Press Release: 55 films in competition, selectioned among the 1020 arrived, representing 70 countries of the world. 10 world premieres, 3 European premiers confirm the EcoVision’s growing trend, one of the most important European film festival about environment which will take place from 3 to 9 of June in Palermo at Palazzo Chiaramonte (Steri), in a few steps from the biggest…

New free carbon calculator for film production from Film London

As Obama continues to walk on water with plans to cut car emmissions drastically, Film London - perhaps the UK's most pioneering screen agency - has released in Cannes its Green Screen plan, with a Carbon Calulator Excel file for calculating a film's carbon footprint. With Hollywood film productions producing more carbon than all LA air traffic, and London's screen industries producing 125,000 to…

Stupid premiere turns spotlight on film industry's footprint

The Age of Stupid has had its world premiere across 65 screens throughout the UK, including a green carpet premiere in London with a solar powered cinema and bike powered popcorn. As Channel 4 News points out in this segment on the film, the carbon footprint of film production is less often discussed, with the Film Council apparently now researching the area. A recent survey found that the Hollyw…

Age of Stupid signs UK distribution and launches vast new site

Franny Armstrong's The Age of Stupid, produced with Oscar Winner John Battsek has been getting very strong early buzz, and recently celebrated bringing DogWoof Pictures onboard to handle distribution in the UK while keeping all rights. The film should be released in the UK in March 2009, and follows near-five years of work to bring the film to light. Having raised over £450,000 through 22…

Nos Enfants Nous Accuseront : New doc puts food under spotlight

The documentary Nos Enfants Nous Accuseront (Our Children Will Accuse Us) is released in France this Friday looking at the effect of agro-chemicals on the environment and human health, noting that young people today will be "the first generation in a very long time to be less healthy than their parents". Following in the footsteps of Jamie Oliver, the film focuses on a local village…

Carbon Neutral Filmmaking

Al Gore’s climate change documentary, An Inconvenient Truth opened up people’s eyes to the devastating potential effects of climate change around the world. There has finally been an increase in the film world of the sometimes controversial carbon offsetting, whereby carbon used in a film's creation is offset through environmental projects such as tree planting or energy saving in…

New Documentary into Gas Flaring

Apparently 150 billion cubic metres of gas are burnt off every year - enough gas to power the United States for three months. Even worse - the 390 million tonnes of carbon dioxide released while doing this is more than the reduction of CO2 emissions from many of the carbon offseting projects of the Koyoto protocol. Nigeria alone burns off enough gas to power half of Africa for a year. Writer, p…

Here's an Inconvenient Truth: Arctic Ice Shrinks 14% in one year

"I think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change, no longer than a decade at the most." James Hansen, NASA Scientist The NASA satellite results reported yesterday read like the opening exposition of an epic disaster movie. Arctic 'perennial ice' (thick ice that remains frozen all year round) shrunk, between 2004 and 2005, by 14%. In previous y…