Age of Stupid signs UK distribution and launches vast new site
Franny Armstrong's The Age of Stupid, produced with Oscar Winner John Battsek has been getting very strong early buzz, and recently celebrated bringing DogWoof Pictures onboard to handle distribution in the UK while keeping all rights. The film should be released in the UK in March 2009, and follows near-five years of work to bring the film to light. Having raised over £450,000 through 228 the film is one of the earliest and most successful crowd-sourced funded films.

The team have kept the public involved with the film throughout production through the website - with regular vlogs, diaries and calls for help. This looks set to continue with the cinema release, with a call to visitors of the packed new site - ageofstupid.net - to encourage your cinema to host a screening.
Set in 2055 the film sees Pete Postlethwaite mournfully looking back at this part of our century, questioning why we did not do more when we still could while browser a video archive of news footage. Living on a tower above a flooded London, he provides a point of perspective between six stories from around the world tracking those affected by climate change - from a Texan oil worker to an Indian entrepreneur looking to launch one rupee flights.
With RyanAir threatening to launch £8 transatlantic flights, the Maldives looking to buy a new home, and the new US adminisitration expected not to re-sign up to Kyoto - negotiating instead to reduce the former commitment (of a 6% fall on 1990 emisions by 2012, instead to return to 1990 levels by 2020) - the film couldn't be more timely.
From the (brilliant) website - one of the making-of mini-films, and the newly finished trailer:
A flooded planet
The trailer
Making the History of War